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  • This is a leap of faith, but in the past -- particularly with Bell Labs, which is one of the most visible examples of this kind of research -- it has resulted in trillions of dollars of wealth.

    A New Kind Of War 2010

  • This is a leap of faith, but in the past -- particularly with Bell Labs, which is one of the most visible examples of this kind of research -- it has resulted in trillions of dollars of wealth.

    A New Kind Of War 2010

  • Bell Labs, which is the research arm of Alcatel-Lucent, said it intends to expand its research centre and increase the number of people it has working on the Green Touch Initiative. Breaking News 2010

  • She was joined by Bell Labs president Jeong Kim, who dubbed Bell Labs Ireland, which was founded in 2005, "a success story" that would benefit the local knowledge economy. all content 2010

  • Well, once upon a time, there was a part of AT&T called Bell Labs, and Bell Labs developed the operating system called unix and a computer language called "c".

    Big Tech 2009

  • Furthermore, the Farm explicitly targets scientists "at an early career stage," modeling itself after other successful research institutions, such as Bell Labs, which benefited from the exuberant creativity of inexperienced researchers.

    Fleeting Youth, Fading Creativity Jonah Lehrer 2010

  • The big "think tank" labs that did research for the sake of doing research, such as Bell Labs (invented information theory and the transistor) and the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (invented the Ethernet, laser printing, and the window-mouse user interface) are now just shadows of their former selves.

    Justin R. Rattner: Innovation in the 21st Century: Keeping the US Competitive 2009

  • The U.S. scientific innovation infrastructure has historically consisted of a loose public-private partnership that included legendary institutions such as Bell Labs, RCA Labs,

    AZspot 2009

  • 'Bell Labs' contribution to this project represents a significant step forward for Alcatel-Lucent's Applications Enablement strategy whose intent is to enhance the value of network assets for applications providers, "he adds.

    TradingMarkets 2010

  • 'Bell Labs' contribution to this project represents a significant step forward for Alcatel-Lucent's Applications Enablement strategy whose intent is to enhance the value of network assets for applications providers ", he adds.



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